I'm doing something really important this holiday season that all my intimate friends can help me with. I'm working to end hunger by raising money for Heifer International.
I'm counting on you to pitch in and help reach my goal. Any donation large or small will help us get there!I chose Heifer International to help because they are a wonderful organization working to end hunger and poverty in the world. For more than six decades, Heifer has been helping poor
families around the world become self-reliant by providing animals and the training to care for them. Each recipient family promises to pass along offspring from their animal to another
family in need.
Heifer's simple but effective solution has helped more than seven million families -- 38 million people -- in more than 125 countries including the US, where more than 10 million people
are chronically hungry.
Thank you in advance for taking a moment to go online and help me help Heifer.
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