Touring providers like yours truly and my leggy pal Allie, have come to regard even the best-stocked hotel bath with a jaundiced eye.
"Only 3 bath towels," she'll report from her lovely suite.
"Mine, too," I'll establish after a cursory examination.
"Where's the maid's cart?"
As stealthy as cat burglars, we creep down the hallway, looking this way and that for our personal Mecca: the unattended cart replete with stacks of fluffed and folded goodness.
Once secured, they're hoarded in a secret place known only to ladies who entertain the cleanest boys in "ho" business.
Last week in Charlotte, one genteel southerner amused me no end by quoting miscellaneous chapter and verse from this little vixen's blog. When our visit drew to an end, he excused himself to clean up. After the shower turned off, I heard his voice.
"I dried myself off with a hand towel, I hope that's all right," he called out to me from the bath.
"What?" I responded. "You didn't have to do that, I laid out a fresh bath towel for you!"
"Oh, no," he replied, sticking his head around the door to grin at me. "I wouldn't use your big towels. I want to be invited back!"
You gotta love a man with a plan.
As a road warrior I have learned that in some hotels (usually the older, better, hotels), there is a maids supply room on each floor. Such rooms are located near the staff elevator, and are rarely locked. I have a thing about both towels, and a proper firm pillow. So I usually check out the closet and sample all the pillows to find the two I want.
From experience I have learned to do this dressed in my best suit. If discovered I explain my dilemma, to the chamber maid (with a big smile) and she will usually help me. I have even had one lady in Chicago come and knock on my door with a brand new - still wrapped - pillow. She not only got a tip, but I also gave her a recommendation for a good immigration attorney.
Yes, I'm taking towels and whatever else I want from the maid's carts too. Sometimes I just ask them for more towels and don't care if they're puzzled.
Tamara G x
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