Yesterday afternoon, my Tabu phone rang, and as always, I waited for my phone-answering system to prompt the caller for his or her name. When the moment came, a female voice hissed "Dirty whore!"
My, oh, my. A phone call from Dirty Whore. What a very interesting name to bestow upon a daughter.
I let the call go to voicemail, and retrieved the message later in the evening-- very curious to hear what such a colorful caller had to say for herself.
"You look much older than you really are," she spitted. "Actually, you look like a transsexual."
Apparently she ran out of imagination at that point, because the line went dead.
Darling "Dirty," I'm truly sorry that you're upset with me-- for whatever reason. But if you're going to call names, get with the program.
I'm a naughty girl by nature. I'm a swinger by choice. And I'm a hooker with enthusiasm. There's hardly a name in the book I wouldn't answer to proudly.
If you were looking to shame me... well, I don't blush easily. So as one badly aging transsexual to another, let's make a deal.
I won't publish your phone number, which I now have saved.... and maybe you can think a bit more cogently before you let your fingers do the stalking.
OK. Gotta go.
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