How can you get your
O's and save the world-- simultaneously?
Well, you can't. (Unless you're Wonder Pussy. Hmmmm.. maybe that's my next Halloween idea!)
But now, you can help save the environment after you've wrung the last bit of sweaty pleasure from your favorite vibrator or butt plug.
Toy retailer Dreamscapes has just announced the country's first-ever sex toy recycling program.
"Just clean it first," the CEO David Kowalsky asks. Then mail it to Dreamscapes, who dismantles the said pleasure machine and reuses the parts for wholesome new products such as tires or playground mulch.
And with a nod toward "think globally, play locally" Dreamscapes will reward recyclers with a $10 coupon for future purchases.
Donating my butt plug to the greater human good. Now there's a cause I can get behind!